Project Flavors

Project Flavors

You can have multiple Flutter SDK versions configured per project environment or release type. FVM follows the same convention as Flutter and calls this flavors.

It allows you to create the following configuration for your project.

  "flutter": "stable",
  "flavors": {
    "development": "stable",
    "staging": "3.16.9",
    "production": "3.10.3"

Pin flavor version

To choose a Flutter SDK version for a specific flavor, you just use the use command.

fvm use {version} --flavor {flavor_name}

This will pin version to flavor_name.

Switch flavors

This will get the version configured for the flavor and set it as the project version.

fvm use {flavor_name}

Spawn a command with a flavor version

This will get the version configured for the flavor and use it to run a Flutter command.

fvm flavor {flavor_name} {flutter_command} {flutter_command_args}